Saturday, October 8, 2011

Close Enough To Hear God Breathe

I just finished reading Close Enough to Hear God Breathe by Greg Paul.  I requested this book with high hopes of what it had to offer.  In all honesty, I was disappointed.  The first few chapters were good, stressing how much God loves us like any good father cares for his children.  Yet after the first few chapters, the message became redundant and the passages hard to follow.  He goes back and forth between scripture and stories and his interpretations of the message presented. 

Greg Paul’s concepts are good and I liked part of the poetic language and prose but in the end I felt that everything that had been said could have been spoken in a book half that size and been more poignant and captivating.   

In many of the chapters Greg Paul wrote stories about his family, which were well written and entertaining with good points, but I could not see the correlation of the stories with the rest of the chapter.  His stories are poetic and interesting but it was like they just came out of nowhere.  The titles of the chapters seemed to have little or no correlation with the message being portrayed in the writings.

Greg Paul did have a catchy title for this book.  I agree with the author’s message on the unwavering love of our eternal Heavenly Father.  However in this case I feel that there are other books out there that reveal this same message in a much clearer, concise, and intriguing way. 

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